
Anti - Wrinkle Aftercare

Do not rub or touch the treated area until the next morning.

No facial treatments, laser or massage for 2 weeks post treatment. This is to help avoid any complications.

Try to avoid lying down or any strenuous exercise for the next 4 - 6 hours.

For the first 48 hours following treatment, please avoid exposure to any heat treatments such as the sauna, hot tub or tanning.

Paracetamol is recommended for any headaches or pain. Please try avoid ibuprofen (Nurofen) or diclofenac (Voltaren) for the next 24 hours.

Bruising may temporarily occur. Arnica tablets, Arnica cream and Hirudoid cream may be applied following treatment to help reduce bruising.

Your treatment will take 4 - 7 days to start working and up to 2 weeks to see the full results.

We recommend booking a follow up appointment, 2 weeks post treatment. If after 2 weeks you feel that you still have more movement than expected, then this can be adjusted at your follow up appointment for the additional unit cost.

Dermal Filler Aftercare

Do not rub or touch the treatment area until the next morning.

Do not consume alcohol for 24 hours after your treatment.

Try to avoid lying down or strenuous exercise for 6 hours after treatment.

It is recommended not to apply make up to the treatment area until 12 hours post treatment.

It is recommended to avoid extended exposure to sun or UV light and extreme hot or cold temperatures including hot drinks, if your lips have been treated.

Avoid facial laser treatment to the treated area for up to 4 weeks.

Following cheek augmentation, try sleeping on your back and not on your side for the next few nights.

Following cheek augmentation it is recommended to avoid restrictive headwear, including goggles, sunglasses or motorcycle helmets for up to 4 weeks.

There will be some temporary swelling and bruising that may linger for about a week. Arnica tablets, Arnica cream or Hirudoid cream may be applied following treatment to help reduce bruising.

You may feel lumps for up to 2 weeks, while your body adjusts to the new volume. If you can see any lumps and have concerns please contact your cosmetic nurse.

It may take up to 2 weeks to see the full results and we recommend booking in a free follow up appointment 2 or 3 weeks after your treatment.

“I woke up like this.”

(After the swelling went down)